Mania eBooks — Educational, Fun, Artistic, Multi-sensory
Mania eBooks are designed to engage and entertain kids while providing brain enrichment. Specifically, eBooks from Mania Tales provide cross-lateral brain hemisphere stimulation (both right and left lobe functions), which can act to increase intelligence by expanding neuronal pathways and synapse connections. The new generation of eBook technology allows the three primary learning modalities (visual, audio, and kinesthetic) to be enhanced and employed simultaneously. This significantly increases the potential for long-term learning to occur.
Smart stories with fun pizzazz, Mania eBooks are highly interactive, and feature fantastical original art, which expands art appreciation beyond elementary styles and cartoon art typical to digital games for kids. All Mania eBooks are characterized by extensive language development. Enjoy and learn phonetic word plays, lexical humor, and advanced vocabulary.
Mania eBooks like EggMania and EarMania are set to rhymes. Why? Research reveals a strong link between improved memory and the use of rhymes, especially those set to distinct rhythms. Think about your favorite ad jingles and song lyrics. Do they contain rhymes?
Using rhyme to trigger memory is not uncommon, even for adults. The advantage of rhyme and song as a memory aid has been employed by scholars, including medical students, to master volumes of information. Check out for a multitude of videos depicting ways to remember complex data. For starters, there’s the video, Elements of the Periodic Table set to rhymes featuring Tom Lehrer on the piano. And then there’s The Quadratic Formula played to the tune of “Pop Goes the Weasel.” Be sure to check your knowledge regarding the Preamble of the Constitution with Schoolhouse Rock.
ManiaTales eBooks are also jam-packed with self-esteem boosting concepts and empowering life lessons. Children and adults learn from the touch-sensitive, mindboggling “Fun Facts”. The Fun Facts incorporate educational information from wide array of subjects, including science, social studies, nonverbal communication, and the arts.
An award-winning tale of adventure loaded with brainy enrichment:
Advanced Vocabulary Words
Extraordinary Original Artwork
Hunt & Find Fun Facts Game

Another tongue-twisting tale of adventure with cerebral enrichment and lexical humor:
Expansive Vocabulary
Fantastical, Original Art
Interactive Game